Mumbai (Maharashtra), December 10: Touted to be one of the biggest musical releases of the year, Jassi Chhokar and Gurlej Akhtar’s Magnum dropped today. The upbeat Punjabi track is sung by the dynamic duo with music composed by Chhokar, Jassi Khamachon has penned the lyrics. Magnum is presented by Krysstal […]
Day: December 10, 2021
Adnaan Shaikh, curator, entertainer, social media influencer and now an Entrepreneur, crosses the 10M mark on Insta
December 10: Residing in one of Asia’s largest slum areas, Dharavi, Adnaan Shaikh, makes everyone proud with his passion for excelling, achieving a stature that could be difficult for millions to even dream of. Having started his journey as a social media enthusiast, he connected with thousands of people through […]
Jyotsna Reddy Receives National Award for Excellence in the Development of Woman and Children
New Delhi (India), December 10: Renowned businesswoman & philanthropist Jyotsna reddy, who is known for her contribution to the beauty sector in India, has been awarded the prestigious national award champions of change. She was the youngest among the luminaries who received the award for their contributions in various fields […]
Harish Jagtani Foundation successfully launched the free dialysis coverage campaign
Philanthropic activities of Mr. Harish Jagtani and HJ Foundation India, December 9: “Charity isn’t about pity; it is about love.” These lines of philanthropist and Noble peace prize winner “Mother Teresa”, always find their true meaning as and when we talk about the Harish Jagtani Foundation. Located in the Kinshasa City […]
Bag the Best Opportunity with SCMHRD
Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development India, December 9: SCMHRD (Symbiosis Center for Management & Human Resource Development) has been one of the fastest to not only make its name counted amongst the Top-20 B-Schools in India but has also been able to sustain it for years together. […]